Why Is My Website Not Getting Traffic Organically?

Why Is My Website Not Getting Traffic Organically?

Does your website get enough organic traffic? Nope! true… Then this article will help you discover the main reasons why you lose organic traffic. You need to implement a better SEO strategy to fix it right away.

One of the most common dilemmas bloggers face is an abundance of content but a lack of organic traffic. While having rich content is a prerequisite for organic traffic to thrive, it’s not the only parameter that matters. Furthermore, a recent study insists that around 51% of your traffic should be organic.

The SEO experts at Blogger Outreach Agency take a number of factors into account to help ensure your site ranks well. If you are frequently creating content and still unable to get traffic, there could be different reasons behind it.

First things first.

What is organic traffic?

Organic traffic is the best type of traffic because it is free as it comes from different search engines like Google, Bing, Yahoo, and Yandex. So organic traffic depends on organic search.

This means that when Internet users search for a certain keyword and your business appears on the first page and they click on it, you get some organic traffic.

As you can see, your website needs to rank in the top positions for specific keywords to help you get a lot of organic traffic, which means it needs to be SEO optimized. Therefore, you should do both on-page and off-page SEO to maximize your chances of getting more traffic.

Your website is not user friendly

Gone are the days when websites were just pages where people found the information they were looking for. Users today want their websites to be informative, engaging, fun, and easy to use. A user will always consider these factors to determine if your site is easy enough to use.

When we talk about a website being user-friendly, various factors play a role in it. User-friendly websites imply a mobile-friendly design. People are using smartphones more than ever. Therefore, it is likely that a large part of the consumer base uses their phones to visit your website.

If your site is not mobile-friendly, your customers will be automatically downsized. Thus, even if you publish amazing content, your audience will prefer to visit other sites that allow them to navigate without problems.

You are targeting difficult keywords

Keywords are an important factor that every webmaster considers as they help to rank high on Google. However, you must be very wise when doing your keyword research. Keywords with higher keyword difficulty are often difficult to rank.

A good example would be if you see some really good keywords with high keyword difficulty, but you decide to try them anyway. Once you’ve written your copy, Google will have it as an option when ranking for these keywords.

The problem is that there are other popular and authoritative sites trying to rank for the same keywords. So who do you think Google will assign the top spots to? Not you, especially if your site is new or not very authoritative.

You can use a tool like ahrefs to help you check keyword difficulty. This tool is easy to use because all you have to do is enter your keyword and it will show you its level of difficulty.

Let’s use this image as an example. As you can see in this image, the keyword is difficult to rank. Therefore, if you want to increase your SEO and appear in the top search results, it would not be wise to use this keyword.

You have no backlinks on your site

While there have been cases where websites have thrived without backlinks, you must have at least a few good backlinks to your website. Backlinks from a site that has authority on Google or other search engines make your site look trustworthy.

It also provides a channel for organic traffic. Most importantly, Google credits sites for backlinks. You can contact a link-building agency for more information.

If you want to significantly increase your search ranking, backlinks are something you shouldn’t take for granted. Those sites you see at the top of the search results have other high-quality sites linking to them, so it makes for a great backlink profile. Now you know why you find it difficult to compete with these sites, right?

One step you can take to start your backlinking journey is to comment on the blog. Commenting on a blog increases the chance of getting a no-follow link.

A no-follow link won’t bring much link juice, but it will contribute to a great backlink profile.

A poorly executed SEO strategy

One of the deciding factors in terms of generating organic traffic is a poor SEO strategy. Some people focus so much on keywords that they end up stuffing their content with them.

A fair distribution of keywords is critical, and sites are demoted for keyword stuffing. Also, internal and external links, content, images, and many other things need to be planned accordingly.

Quality content is a crucial SEO factor that you should always consider, among other factors, how to install SEO plugins and set up your XML sitemap. Without adhering to these factors, your chances of ranking high on Google are very slim.

In this article, you will find the main reasons why your website is not getting enough organic traffic. You have also seen some great solutions that you can apply and see the results.

So take the above reasons seriously and implement the given solutions carefully and you will get the organic traffic you want.

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