4 SEO-Friendly URL Checker Tools You Can Use To Optimize Your Link

4 SEO-Friendly URL Checker Tools You Can Use To Optimize Your Link

If you’re an SEO professional, you’ve probably heard about the importance of optimizing URLs. But what does that mean? Well, when someone Googles your website and sees a URL like this: https://example.com/product-category/best-toys-for-dogs/best-toys-for-dogs.html

Google Search Console Tool

Google Search Console is a free tool that you can use to check the status of your pages. The tool will show you any broken links, duplicate content, and other issues on your website. It’s also a good starting point for SEO because it tells you which pages are indexed by the Google search engines and which aren’t.

If you have problems with crawling or indexing, then this is the perfect place to start fixing them!

Screaming Frog SEO Spider

Screaming Frog SEO Spider is a free tool that you can use to check your website’s SEO performance. It has over 5 million visits per month and has been downloaded more than 150 million times in its lifetime.

This tool is easy to use and comes with lots of features:

You can use it on both onsite and offsite optimization, so you don’t have to worry about losing time because the spider won’t work if there’s no internet connection.

It allows you to see what keywords are being used on your pages, and whether they’re relevant or not, which can help determine whether or not they need adjustment down the line – especially if they’re not ranking well enough (or at all).

Moz Pro

Moz Pro is a paid tool that can help you identify issues with your site’s SEO, design, and content. The tool will crawl your website and analyze it for problems such as broken links or duplicate content. You can also use Moz Pro to check for Google Webmaster guidelines violations like crawling errors or indexation problems.

Moz Pro offers many other features besides its ability to crawl websites:

An archive of past crawled pages so you can check how the search engines responded to changes made during the last 90 days (or longer). This feature is very useful when working on backlinks because it allows us to see what worked well over time instead of just looking at today’s results immediately after making changes ourselves.

A list of resources related directly or indirectly related to our specific topic(s) which helps us focus on areas where we need improvement rather than spending too much time trying new things out without knowing whether they work yet.* A link checking tool that shows all links pointing back towards our website from other sites under control by Googlebot’s Crawl Engine mode


Siteliner is a free tool and it’s easy to use. You can install it as a Chrome extension or as a browser extension. It has over 1 million users, so there are plenty of people who have already tried it out and left their feedback online!

There are tools that can help you determine if an URL is SEO-friendly.

There are tools that can help you determine if an URL is SEO-friendly. These tools are free, easy to use, and can help you optimize your URL.

The following Google search will take you directly to the page of a tool called DNSniffer, which allows users to check whether or not their site’s hostname resolves properly:


There are a lot of tools out there that can help you determine if an URL is SEO-friendly. It’s important to remember that the best way to optimize your page is by testing and iterating with different keywords and content, but knowing where your site ranks well in search engines can give you some idea about what to look for when it comes time to make changes.

These tools will also help you identify any issues with your current content formatting or taxonomy before they become problematic issues on Google’s radar screen. If there’s anything else we missed here (or if we should have added something else), please let us know in the comments below!

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