What is a Good Domain Authority & How to Increase This Score?

What is a Good Domain Authority & How to Increase This Score?

When it comes to search engine optimization (SEO), many factors influence page rankings.

In addition, the competition for the top positions is huge, and competitors know how to make the sites considered a reference by Google algorithms.

Therefore, working on some decisive points, such as the Domain Authority (DA), places your company in a prominent position.

But the million dollar question is, what exactly is a good Domain Authority?

DA is not something that is built quickly. The sooner you understand this concept, the better. After all, it takes time to build a streamlined online presence.

What is Domain Authority?

Domain authority is a scale that measures how likely a website is to rank well in Google’s SERP.

This metric was created by Moz and is currently used worldwide by all companies as it has a huge impact on brands’ online strategies.

Although it is a very famous and respected indicator in the market, Google itself does not consider it when ranking sites.

However, it is important to clarify that DA is still a metric worth tracking.

The reason? The factors used to measure the Domain Authority of websites.

What domain authority supports as a metric

Over the years and as the study of SEO has deepened, leading authorities on the subject have come to understand what affects website rankings.

In addition to the basic web optimization issues, some specific factors have a direct influence on the authority of a domain.

In particular, we may consider the total number of links to a site and their quality (if they are from sites of good authority).

There are other additional factors, but Moz is less clear about what they are.

The fact is that, so far, this metric has proven to be very close to what reality brings. Sites with a good DA generally rank well in the Google SERP.

What is good domain authority?

To find out what good domain authority is, you need to check how much a website achieves on a scale of 1 to 100, with 100 being the best possible score.

When Moz created this metric, they also made the website analytics tool available. You can also check the DA using Moz’s Keyword Explorer tool.

To rank website domain authority, keep in mind that:

  • Scores between 40 and 50 are considered average.
  • Domain authority between 50 and 60 should be rated as good.
  • Scores above 60 rate Domain Authority is as excellent.

It is also important to recognize many different contexts when evaluating AD.

If you’re running a small business website with SEO optimizations in progress and you’re still getting around 40 points, that score can be considered pretty good.

However, the requirement changes for large business websites.

With more work and investment power, you should expect to hit big DA values.

If the score does not exceed 60, the ranking is low in this context.

How important is domain authority for SEO?

Domain authority tracking is a job that requires consistency.

It’s like baking a cake: if you don’t check the oven from time to time, the cake will surely burn.

With websites, the same monitoring is critical. If there is no strict monitoring of your Domain Authority, you risk your site being rated less than your competitors.

This need for constant monitoring and updating is very common for SEO.

There is always room for improvement, and if you don’t work on it, your site is likely to lose rankings.

Therefore, monitoring your domain authority is essential to ensure that, increasingly, you can get your site to rank high in the SERP and still get good traffic.

How can you improve your domain authority?

To get to a good Domain Authority, you need to work on specific optimization points.

A few key issues have a big impact on your site’s DA ranking. Below, we’ll show you what they are and how you can improve them.

Test your site’s responsiveness

Websites must work seamlessly on all access devices, including mobile devices.

A responsive website is more likely to deliver a satisfying experience to all users, regardless of whether they are on smartphones or tablets.

One of Google’s ranking factors is responsiveness. So, if your website can adapt to any type of screen, it will surely have a good impact on your SEO.

Similarly, a website with good responsiveness can also achieve a high DA score.

Make sure the page loads fast with PageSpeed ​​​​Insights

Fast page load is another important parameter for sites with good domain authority.

Therefore, monitoring this load time is essential as an ongoing task. To do this, it uses specialized tools like PageSpeed ​​​​Insights.

The average time is 0.5 to 2 seconds. If your site is above this threshold, you have reason to work on optimizations.

Get backlinks

Backlinks are essential to building amazing domain authority for your website.

You just have to be careful when getting those links. You must earn them naturally, always in mentions or alliances with companies in the same sector.

A high-quality link profile will have a major impact on your site’s DA, as this is the main factor considered in scoring.

To get good backlinks, you must:

  • Find backlink opportunities with top referral sources.
  • Use outgoing links to form associations.
  • Use Google Search Console reports getting backlinks.
  • Pay attention to your competitors.
  • Find broken links to build backlinks.
  • Create high-quality content.

This post aims to show you what good domain authority is and its impact on successful websites.

Therefore, the sooner you start the optimization work, the faster you will achieve amazing results for your business.

We hope the tips in this post help you!

As we said, page load speed is a key parameter for SEO. So, check out our blog post to better understand how to use Google PageSpeed ​​Insights.

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