Why Do You Actually Need SEO For?

Why Do You Actually Need SEO For?

In short, SEO is crucial because it makes your website more visible and that means more traffic and more opportunities to convert prospects into customers. Take a look at the SEO tools you can use for optimal ranking.

Helps build trust & credibility

Users and customers tend to trust sites with the highest SERP rankings, preferably the top three. High rankings not only mean that you won the bid for a particular keyword, but it also refers to the authority you have over that keyword and the industry. This indicates that your site has professional and industry knowledge that is useful to users.

SEO can help build trust and credibility organically over time by consistently producing useful and valuable content. When you can provide relevant and educational answers or information to your users’ or customers’ search queries, they will trust your site and visit more. Getting more clicks, visits, and traffic to your website indicates search engine authority and thus increases ranking.

Organic search is the main traffic

Of all the different types of traffic, many brands and businesses have found organic search to be their top and main traffic. This can be understood as users’ reluctance to click on paid advertisements such as Pay-Per-Click and social media ads that lead to the website.

Organic search or traffic refers to users manually typing certain keywords into search engines. They are voluntary and proactive actions of users in the search for information, products, or places. Therefore, high organic traffic can indicate high sales conversion as users’ purchase intentions are strong. If you ignore SEO and rely solely on social media marketing to drive traffic to your website, you will miss out on a lot of opportunities.

Helps you understand customer buying behavior and trends

Through SEO, brand and business owners can better interpret and understand the voices, questions, and buying behaviors of their customers. In other words, doing keyword research tells you what your customers are looking for, wanting, needing, and intending to buy. This data is crucial to creating content that meets their needs and entices them to visit your site.

With the help of the Keyword Planner in Google Ads, you will be able to find keywords related to your industry as well as your search volume. Not only that, but SEO can also help businesses keep an eye on the customer and industry trends.

Indicates a good user experience

SEO really works hand in hand with user experience to improve your search engine ranking. Factors like page speed, page responsiveness, and engagement also have a huge impact on your website ranking. If a web page has a slow loading speed, users will get frustrated and quickly leave the site.

This causes a high bounce rate, indicating that users opted out of your site rather than stay and explore other pages. The higher your bounce rate, the lower your search engine ranking. Therefore, good SEO also indicates a good user experience.

Is cost-effective

Since it’s not a pay-per-click or social media ad, SEO doesn’t actually cost that much. All it takes is your time to research and strategize your keywords, create good, relevant content, and build links to high-traffic sites.

The search engine bot crawls 247 through the website and deciphers its content. If your content is useful and applicable, they will recommend it to users in SERP. As the population is now more digital than ever, SEO is comparatively more efficient and effective than newspaper or TV ads.

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