Types of Articles That Will Attract Intelligent Readers

Types of Articles That Will Attract Intelligent Readers

If you want to attract intelligent readers, it’s important to write content that will hold their attention. But what type of article should you write? Here are some tips for creating a variety of articles that will appeal to both experts and novices alike:

Earn your readers’ trust.

Earn your readers’ trust.

If you’re going to write for an audience of intelligent people, it’s important that you don’t come across as an imposter who thinks they can just write something and then get away with it. One way to do this is by being honest and authentic in your writing—and by not overpromising what you can deliver, or even promising anything at all!

Be open about mistakes made during the process of creating content. If there was a mistake or error in any part of the article (or video), be transparent about it so that others will know that they’re not alone when making their own mistakes.

This will also help build trust with readers who may have found themselves wondering if their work has been critiqued or edited after posting something online too quickly; now they know it wasn’t just because someone else had failed before them!

Appeal to your reader’s intelligence.

  • Appeal to your reader’s intelligence.
  • Use simple language, avoid jargon and keep sentences short and clear.
  • Use analogies and metaphors to help the reader understand what you’re saying.
  • Examples and case studies are great ways of illustrating your point in an interesting way.

Write content that is so useful and interesting, people can’t help but share it.

  • Write content that is so useful and interesting, people can’t help but share it.
  • Make your article relatable to the reader by giving them an inside look at something they care about or may be interested in learning more about.
  • Include links to relevant resources at the end of your article, so readers don’t have to go through all the trouble of finding information themselves!

Write for yourself first.

One of the best ways to attract intelligent readers is to write for yourself first. When you write something that’s interesting and useful, it can have a huge impact on your career and life if it becomes popular. If you don’t know what kind of articles you would want to read in the future, then how can anyone else tell?

Be analytical and write about how things are.

The first step is to explain the problem, and then list the pros and cons. Then, you can suggest a solution. Finally, end with a call to action that encourages people to take action on your article.

This type of article will attract intelligent readers because they are interested in learning more about the topic at hand.

Be a problem-solver and write about how things could be better.

One of the best ways to get your readers’ attention is to write articles that offer them solutions. This will help them feel like they’re in control of their lives and not just another person on the Internet who doesn’t know what’s best for them.

What do we mean by “solutions”? Well, let’s say you’re writing an article about how you should stop wearing shoes with heels because they make your feet hurt after walking around all day (this actually happens). Your solution is going to be something like: “Here are some tips for wearing shoes without hurting yourself!”

Of course, this isn’t exactly helpful advice; it would be better if there were a way for people who wear high heels but don’t want them anymore—or maybe someone else wants advice on how much pain can come from wearing certain types of footwear—to find out how else they could go about solving their problem without going through surgery or buying expensive custom-made orthotics made only for people with certain medical conditions (not everyone needs those).

Make the hard choices when writing to ensure clarity and focus.

The first step to writing an article that will attract intelligent readers is to make sure you choose the right words, tone and structure.

When it comes to making tough choices about what goes into your content, here are some guidelines:

Use active voice when possible. This helps readers understand what’s being said instead of just reading about someone else’s life or situation (which can be frustrating). The active voice also helps make your writing easier on the eyes by keeping sentences short enough so they don’t get lost in long paragraphs full of passive verbs like “was” or “wasn’t”.

Be clear in your choice between direct statements versus questions/interrogations—and always use either one! If you want readers who aren’t native English speakers (or even just casual ones) then try finding questions you can answer with yes or no answers rather than having them guess at what’s going on based only on what they see written down–which might lead them thinking something totally different than how things actually stand right now.”

Don’t allow conventional thinking to constrain your article creation.

Here are some tips for breaking the rules:

Don’t be afraid to break the rules. If you have a good idea and you think it will work, go for it! Your readers are going to appreciate your willingness to challenge conventional thinking.

Don’t be afraid to stand out from other writers in your field by being creative with your content or by adding something new and different into the mix (for example, if they’re writing about social media strategy, why not write an article on how social media relates back into business strategy? Or vice versa?). This is especially important when trying something new like video marketing because many companies still prefer reading long articles rather than watching short videos over a meal at lunchtime.”

Say something meaningful in a way that readers can trust and understand

If your article has a message that is relevant to your audience, then it comes down to trust. Trusting the writer and trusting the topic are two different things. You need to build trust in order for readers to read your article with an open mind and accept its content as true and valuable.

The first step toward building trust is understanding what makes up intelligent people’s brains, so they can understand why they should care about what you’re saying before they even start reading!


As you can see, there are many ways to attract readers using content. The key is to determine which type of article will best suit your business and its goals. Once you’ve decided on a topic and format for the content, then it’s just a matter of getting started!

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